26 March 2008

Lucas: Hero or Villian


Me and my friend Steven had this discussion a long time ago and it got rather complex.

Lucas is essentially vader. He and Coppola belived in an indpendant cinema one where the could finance and deal on their own terms they were young naive hippies who believed in the "force" of art. Coppola is the Obi-wan to Lucas's Anakin. He brought him on board and trained him up and gave him the power he needed to be a jedi (cinematic auteur)

Coppola became embroiled in his own clone war (zoetrope/apocalpyse now) and while he was off fighting Lucas came in with star wars his love ltter to cinema that sparked his imagination. Its the story of Hippies over coming the MAN.

The irony here is Star Wars gave Lucas all the freedom in the world he could film anything he had achieved what he and coppola had always dreamed off but slowly but slowly the commercialism of Star wars picked away at him like the darkside with the emporer (Rick McCallum) pulling away from his artistic integrity and watering it all down into an empire.

This means when Lucas was ready to get back to directing the hippies were no longer the protagnists and instead it was the story of a man with potential who is bit by bit turned from an idealistic young boy to the evil commercialist.

Maybe just maybe he will pass that financial assistants onto his kids who can redeem him with films of their own.

So really Lucas isnt a hero or villian but a tradgic character of shakespearian stature

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